What is Library Statistics & Purpose of Library Statistics

What is Library Statistics & Purpose of Library Statistics

Library Science

Describe the Library Statistics | Purpose and types of Library Statistics?

Library Statistics is science and art which deals with collections, classification tabulation, presentation, the establishment of a relationship of data wich social, economic, natural and other problem so that the pro determined aims may be achieved"

In the modern era, statistics are often used for the work of all government and non-government departments.

Statistics means the tabulated figure, on the basis of which the growth and decline of an institution or department are judged. It is a mirror of development.

It is a tool that outlines the institution or department in the coming year. Most of the work of statistics fall in the field of research work.

Purpose Library Statistics

Statistics is considered to be an essential mechanism in planning and implementing human areas. The Head of the Library uses Statistics for proper operation of the Library for the following purposes.

(1) To prepare the Annual Report.

(2) To assess the functionality of different departments.

(3) To constitute a new department and evaluate its service.

(4) For the amount of increase in the allocation of the amount of library and the amount of profit on employees.

(5) Usability/importance for presenting the achievement of the library to the library managers: 

The importance of statistics is as follows:

(1) It should be a mirror of the services provided by the library officers and their employees.

(2) The evaluation of works throughout the year is different.

(3) It signifies the advancement and degradation of the library.

(4) The expansion and long-term planning of the library are done using statistics only.

(5) With the help of statistics, the collection of the library and its readers are known.

(6) Statistics is the best basis for preparing annual reports.

(7) It simplifies the functions of the library.

Library Statistics
Library Statistics

Kinds of Library Statistics 

The library is divided into terms of functions and services. Therefore, all departments should keep statistics on their activities. Statistics can be generated for the following departments. Statistics built into the library can be divided into three classes.

1. About Technical Departments
2. Related Sections serving
3. Statistics of expenditure

1. Regarding technical departments - Technical departments can be divided into the following parts

i. Acquisition Department - This department acquires books or textual material coming from various sources in the Acquisition section. Generally, three types of books are earned in the library.

(A) by Purchase (B) by gift (C) by exchange

Therefore, it is necessary to make a figure of how many books were obtained through which medium.

ii. Classification: - How many books were classified daily from the textual material received in the library, which worker was classified that statistics related information is collected by this department.

iii. Cataloging: - The data related to how many books are listed daily by this category, how many entries were made of each book, classified by which worker, etc. are created.

iv. Periodical Section: - Magazines in the library are also received in three ways (a) by purchase (b) by gift and (c) by the exchange. It is monthly, quarterly, monthly, or yearly. It is necessary to make statistics for the details of this income expenditure.

2. Statistics to service department - Service working departments are those whose direct contact is with the readers. The decrease or increase in the work done by this department has a direct effect on the readers. Under this comes the following departments. '

i. Circulation section - This department makes the following functions related:

A. Membership Related
B. Issue of books
C. Reservation of books
D. Delay is punitive

ii. Reference Service and Documentation Department it occurs.

By which the researcher's interest can be estimated, the statistics for this department are presented as follows.
A. Number of books consulted
B. Number of reference stations

3. Documentation Section - Many types of services are provided by the Documentation Department to encourage the researcher in the library, so it is mandatory to keep statistics of how the service and how many readers are given.

4. Income-expenditure Statistics - There are usually two types of grants available in the library through government and numbers. This is grant

A. Recurrence
B. Non-recurrence

Apart from this, some amount of donation is also received. How much amount was received in the library, which items were received from which sources, it was spent that statistics are used for the information, due to which the income-expenditure is clear.

In this way, we see that the importance of statistics is very much in library service, it is immediately known that which department is doing satisfactory work and where there are deficiencies. Library service can be improved by assessing.  

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