What is Library Science & Bibliography | Type of Library

What is Library Science & Bibliography | Type of Library

Library Science

What is Library Science - Bibliography, Library and Information Science, Library Studies

Library Science often termed Library and Information Science, Library Studies, Bibliography, Bibliothecography,  Library Economy, and Informatics.

Library science or library and information science is the science "in which the study of textual material such as books, films, magazines, maps, handwritten texts, gramophone records, and other readable materials, library management, and provides maximum utilization of resources for readers. 

Modern library science is called 'Library and Information Science' as it is not only limited to the acquisition, presentation, classification, cataloging, placement of books but also includes the discovery, receipt, processing, communication, and confirmation of information.

Now, this subject is based on the broad basis of information communication technology. Modern libraries are making very good use of the updated information communication technology and as a result, the use of library automation is increasing and the concept of the digital library is evolving.

Through this, the staff is prepared to serve the library.

Library and Information Science is the science under which specific methods, techniques, and procedures related to the procedures to be performed in libraries are studied and taught.

Library and Information Science
Library Science - Bibliography, Library and Information Science, Library Studies

It is only through the education of library and information science that qualified and skilled staff is prepared for arranging and operating libraries.

Library science comes under the category of technical subjects and is a service-related profession. It uses the principles and tools of management, information technology, pedagogy, and other disciplines in the context of the library.

Under this, the history and organization of libraries, theoretical, practical studies of various technologies, services, their duties towards society, and general activities are done.

Until the beginning of the 19th century, no need was imparted to impart library education as it was then believed that no specially educated or trained person is required for arranging and operating the library.

Thomas Jefferson's collection of Monticello contained thousands of books. He used a subject-based classification system.

The Jefferson Collection was the first national collection in the United States that is now world-famous as the Library of Congress.

The first effort for library science education was made by Melvil Devi, he started the School of Library Economy in 1883.

Library science education in India started in 1910-11 Badoda Naresh Siyajirao Gaekwad-4. And for that, he called A. W. Borden, a student of Melwell Dewey. Currently, library science education is being imparted in almost all the universities of India.

Martin Schnittinger's first textbook on library science was published in 1880 and he used the term library science for the first time in it, so far library science has made its mark as an independent subject.

Type of Library

1. Public Library - "Public Libraries are those which are established by society, for the society itself and provide every citizen of the society a favorable opportunity to get education itself.

The Public Library is the Library "established by the public, supported and managed by the public and used means get education by the public".

2. Academic Library -The Library which is associated with such educational institutions is an educational library like School Library, College Library, University Library, etc.

3. School Library - The library which is associated with a school is called the school library. 

4. College Library - The college to which the library is associated is called the library of that college.

5. University Libraries The University to which the library is associated is called the library of that college.

Since India is a developing country, Indian universities are expected to educate the citizens of their country who can become citizens aware of the progress and service of their country. 

To Know More About Library Science Click on the Link Given Below
1. Library and Society
2. Library Management
3. Library Cataloging
4. Library Classification
5. Information Source
6. MCQs on Library Science
8. Jobs in Library Science
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