What is a Documentation and Its Need, & Objectives in Library

What is a Documentation and Its Need, & Objectives in Library

Library Academy Team

Documentation - Definition, Needs & Objectives in Library Science Management

Content of Table- Documentation, Definition of Documentation, What is Documentation, Documentation in Library, Documentation in Library Science, Need for Documentation, Objectives of Documentation.

Definitions of Documentation - Documentation is the art in which the records of all the new observations are compiled and classified by subject and made available to the inventors as per their requirements.


To provide greater access and use of the information contained in the documentation, a systematic presentation of specific knowledge recorded is a set of techniques necessary for organization and communication. "


Documentation is the act of collecting, classifying, and distributing all types of documents in all areas of human activities.

The term documentation was first used by Paul Atlet for the presentation, collection, retrieval, and exchange activities of documents at the International Economic Conference.

In 1934, Paul Autlett composed the first treatise on the subject of documentation, the Treaty de Documentation. Thus the term can be traced to the beginning of the 20th century.

What is Documentation
Definition of Documentation

Need for Documentation

The following are the important reasons humans need documentation:

1. For research work - Government and influential institutions started research work to fulfill human needs and for this research work, scientists felt the need for different types of documents.

In addition to complete their research work, the results of their research work can also be passed on to the people through documentation.

In line with the changing requirements in the present times, while the focus is on behavioral research rather than on basic research, instead of individual research, collective research was being emphasized.

This not only increased literature, but many other problems arise when published in different forms of literature as well. These problems can only be solved by documentation work.

2. Social need - Dr. S., the father of library science in India. R. Ranganathan cited social necessity as the most important reason for the need for documentation.

Earlier the research work depended on the need of the researcher but in the present time, the research work is based on social and economic needs. Documentation is needed to meet the growing population and its requirement.

At present, industrial productivity and research are based on documentation service. Researchers in one country should also take advantage of research conducted in other countries and all this cannot be completed without documentation.

3. Communication problems - In the old times, there was a very small amount of research, due to which the number of users was also very less, due to this, there was no problem in the communication of information, but since the amount of literature increased and research works Since then, difficulties in information communication has arisen.

With the help of documentation service, the communication problem faced by the reader can be solved easily by providing the information on their need.

4. Literary Explosion - In ancient times literature used to be handwritten, which used to be very small, but since the printing press and electronics were invented, there was a sudden boom in the publication of literature.

It took a long time to find the content of literature so needed in the present time. As a result, the need for documentation was felt.

From this repository of literature, methods of abstracting, indexing, photocopying, etc., which are known as documentation, were used to get information about their need.

5. Economic difficulties - At the present time literature is being published at such a the rapid pace that it is not possible for any country and library to collect published researchers from all published literature.

6. Language barrier - At present, literature is being published in about 50 languages ​​all over the world, whereas generally no scientist or person is aware of more than two or three languages.

In such a situation, they will have to face great difficulties in getting the material they need. Different methods of documentation can be adopted to avoid this type of problem.

Objectives of Documentation

Documentation occupies an important place in present times. Documentation services provide that literature on its requirement can be easily obtained from such published literature. The documentation has the following important objectives:

1. In the context of the explosion of information, scientific people today cannot organize both literature and information exploration and specialization together but it can be completed with the help of documentation.

2. At present, literature is being published at such a rapid pace that it cannot be controlled without documentation service.

3. Intellectual consciousness and update cannot be accomplished without documentation.

4. The industrial and commercial need to increase production cannot be met without documentation.

5. To collect and distribute all types of documents from all fields of human activities collected in one place.

 6. To collect, organize, and impart the subtle ideas of scientists or researchers.

7. With the help of documentation, works such as book selection, accession classification, cataloging, exchange, etc. can be done easily. 

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